Sunday, 3 May 2020

Asklepion Art Galleries

I've created an online art gallery to showcase several decades of my transpersonal artwork, visual depictions of spiritual emergency experience and holotropic breathwork mandalas. 

It's called the Asklepion, named after the temple that the ancient Greeks visited when they wanted to have dreams of healing.

Visit the Asklepion art galleries experience here.

It also includes a special exhibition to celebrate the launch of the book

Breaking Open

edited by Jules Evans and Tim Read.

  • Browse the book on Amazon by reading the kindle edition online 
  • Purchase the book direct from the publishers Aeon Books   

    -Use the code BO20 for a 20% discount (valid until the end of May 2020)

    Details from the publisher's website:

    "The first book in which people discuss their own spiritual emergencies and share what helped them through. Our authors are the experts of their own experience, and they share their wild journeys with courage, insight and poetry.

    There are fascinating parallels in their experiences, suggesting minds in extremis go to similar places. These are beautiful postcards from the edge of human consciousness, testaments to the soul’s natural resilience.

    Our authors have returned from their descent with valuable insights for our culture, as we go through a collective spiritual emergency, with old myths and structures breaking down, and new possibilities breaking open.

    What is there beyond our present egocentric model of reality? What tools can help us navigate the emergence?

    This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the connection between spiritual awakening and what we normally term 'mental illness.' It is full of inspirational and moving stories that show that psychological disturbances often lead to significant personal growth, if supported properly. As a culture, we urgently need a new paradigm of mental illness and treatment, and this book makes an important contribution to that shift.
    Steve Taylor PhD, author of The Leap and Spiritual Science"

    Technical bit

    The gallery took about a week to develop using the excellent tutorial by Adam Cross available on YouTube as a template, with additional 3D effects developed using Macromedia Flash.

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